Active Signposting

Castle Mead Medical Centre is a Signposting Practice

The Situation

It’s no secret that your NHS is under Pressure. Illnesses are becoming more complicated, the population is living longer and budgets are being cut.

The Result is that your GP's patient list is growing. This, as some patients may have experienced, means that securing an available appointment with your GP is becoming more and more difficult.

The solution

To save you the hassle of a trip to you GP Surgery, your NHS now offers a number of community services and self-care options that you can access without the need for seeing your GP in the first place.

So how are you, the patient, able to find out about what services and options are available to you?

The reception team at Castle Mead Medical Centre are  'Active Signposters'

What does this mean?

If you request an appointment at your surgery, the receptionist may ask you the reason why you are calling.

If you provide the reason for your call, there is a possibility that the receptionist may be able to give you information about any services or self -care sources that you could access for your symptoms, without the need for seeing your GP.

It is then your choice what to do with the information you are provided with.

What does this mean?

Active Signposters provide information NOT advice. You choose what to do with the information you are given.

You do not have to say what your symptoms are if you don't wish to, but doing so may get you the help and information that you need more easily (and possibly, quickly).

Receptionists are NOT trying to be doctors or make medical assessments.

Receptionists are duty bound to respect your confidentiality as all times, in exactly the same way as a GP or Nurse.

GPs and their Staff are supporting and encouraging this programme.

'Active Signposting' is a national programme being rolled out across the country - funded by NHS England and promoted by RCGP.

For more information on community services and self-care sources available to patients in Leicestershire:

Get the best help, first time.